Monday, October 14, 2019

Module One Focus Session

For this blog I'm focusing on what I took away from the module one focus session on Monday 30th September. Now before the Skype session even started, dumb dumb me forgot to say i wanted to attend the online session, so cue a hour of panic, before the start time, of me trying to contact Adesola that I want to join the group. Panic over I've joined the group and its a lesson learnt, keep checking the supervisor's blogs.

My first note that I took, which I find funny, is that before I write anything about myself I just wrote "I feel the same as Lois". I felt that I was trying to digest all the information that I can, and looking exclusively at lens 1, this is to do with communication which I do struggle with personally and professionally.

With Adesola opening the group, different points of topics were talked about and how we think they relate to us. We were encouraged to look more at our practise, how our training and teachers have effected our practise, how the internet has changed the way our industry works and how different out personas can be online and offline. Listening to everyone talk  and listening to their various opinions and thoughts on the different subjects helps me understand and formulate my own thoughts. I must have been enraptured with the talk because half way down my notes I wrote "Lorien knows her stuff". What I found most intriguing was the discussion on personas, my initial reaction was that my online presence and professional presence were quite alike, but knowing I act differently when placed in various situations, this is why I wanted to take this topic further.

I find the easiest way to describe my personality or personas is to say I am a 'Gemini'. For those into astrology it means that my birthday falls in the May 21-June 21 bracket. Gemini, meaning twins, are known to have a dual nature which can be interpreted as having two personas in one body. Thinking on this I would agree that my personality changes depending on who I'm with and what setting we're in. In a familiar place with family or friends I'm relaxed, open and willing to talk, this can also come across on my social media profiles. On my personal profile I can control who seeing what I am posting and so I tend to share things with others that I find funny or of interest, all the while maintaining a separate professional profile. I share my professional profile and details to other professionals as a way of networking, so I tend to keep myself reserved on subjects which could cause debate as I wouldn't want to effect my career in a negative way. My online and offline professional persona are the same, the same way my persona with family and friends is the same online and offline. These contrasting personas and bleed into each other and in turn create a third persona when both professional and personal lives are in the same setting.

The whole topic of personas is really interesting as there is so many avenues that can be explored, such as the affect of different personas can do to us mentally or how to affects those around us. Unfortunately with a subject like this you can only just scratch the surface.


  1. Hi Shaunna
    I enjoyed reading your post, especially as I was unable to attend the last skype session so I appreciate catching up on what was discussed. (Also, we have the same background theme for our blogs, great taste?!)
    It's fascinating how we can portray so many different facets of our personalities depending on the situation or the people involved. With the accessiility of Web 2.0 I can't help but consider it's a sensible idea to keep professional and private life fairly seperate. I especially think this is imperitive for teachers so as to maintain the barrier of authority between teacher and student. I also recognise how my outward persona shifts even within my daily practice from hour to hour. When teaching little children I channel my inner 'overly enthusiastic' delivery, yet with older students I don't feel the need to express myself in this way. Mainly because my teenagers would assume I was crazy! Equally, I present myself differently to an employer where I want to display professionalism and I have experienced challenges with this as the Boss of my administrative work at a Dance school is also a long time best friend. I have discovered that to keep both relationships thriving (Friendship/Professional) It's important to keep both engagements separate and we both agree this is the healthiest approach. It seems you have reflected on how personas can cross over which has prompted me to recognise how it's not so 'black and white'. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  2. Hahahaha, Hey Shaunna, I'm really behind on reading everyone's blogs but have finally read this and it couldn't have come at a better time! Hilarious because I literally just had a little cry about the fact I still don't know what i'm doing and the deadlines soon! (I say 'little' but it was a bit of a breakdown!) But its really nice to hear that someone thinks I have a clue haha. How are you doing now? Will you be at the 6pm skype tonight? I hope you are xx


A Very Short Update

So, first things first, I’ve fallen behind on the blogs again, but I am trying to rectify that. By the end of this week, I will have this bl...